

Show off your business with a new Website.  You’ll work with the METIK Design Team to customize a website that makes your business stand out from the rest. They’ll create a strategy designed around your strengths, needs, and leverage points that will attract more clients, increase brand awareness, and expand your reach. Details can be found below.

Build your package
SKU: 21-WBST Category: Tag:

Creation, Lease and Development of custom website. Website includes 7 pages; 5 standard pages and 2 custom pages (up to 8 hours of development per page). Standard pages include Home, Mobile App, iPROTECT, ProtectionPlus, Contact. Includes basic search engine optimization (Title tag, Description, KeyWords, Alt-Text on images). Customer is responsible for providing registered domain and logo (.eps or .ai format). Service also consists of web hosting and unlimited email accounts. (Additional labor hours are $75/hr. with prior customer approval)